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- 2.5-V Virtual Ground for 5-V/GND Analog Systems
- High Output-Current Capability Sink or Source . . . 20 mA Typ
- Micropower Operation . . . 170 uA Typ
Excellent Regulation Characteristics
Output Regulation
–45 uV Typ at IO = 0 to –10 mA
+15 uV Typ at IO = 0 to +10 mA - Input Regulation = 1.5 uV/V Typ
Output Regulation
Low-Impedance Output . . . 0.0075
- Macromodel Included
In signal-conditioning applications using a single power source, a reference voltage is required for termination of all signal grounds. To accomplish this, engineers have typically used solutions consisting of resistors, capacitors, operational amplifiers, and voltage references. Texas Instruments has eliminated all of those components with one easy-to-use 3-terminal device. That device is the TLE2425 precision virtual ground.
Use of the TLE2425 over other typical circuit solutions gives the designer increased dynamic signal range, improved signal-to-noise ratio, lower distortion, improved signal accuracy, and easier interfacing to ADCs and DACs. These benefits are the result of combining a precision micropower voltage reference and a high-performance precision operational amplifier in a single silicon chip. It is the precision and performance of these two circuit functions together that yield such dramatic system-level performance.